Rabia and Uncle Majboor have been part of the dark side of social media ever since their video released a couple years ago with uncle sweet talking to his lady Rabia over the phone. Although the video is old it resurfaced on the internet a while ago and now it has given people a chance to get together for a fun event.


So Pakistanis being Pakistanis are going an extra mile to show their support for Uncle Majboor and getting together to shout ‘Rabia Mujhe Chor Dou’ in solidarity with the uncle’s screams of the same

Via: Facebook

The main event is apparently happening in Faisalabad on 17th October and almost 881 people are going with 3.3k people interested and the numbers are increasing.


People are actually keen to attend this event and asking their friends to participate

Via: Facebook


Some are asking for the video celebrities to be there too

Via: Facebook


Excitement is at its peak

Via: Facebook


And the attendees are getting inspiration from Uncle Majboor

Via: Facebook


Events of other nature around this video have popped up on Facebook, too

Via: Facebook

474 people are going at this event so don’t worry, you won’t look stupid standing alone there.

Via: Facebook

Only 9 people are going so far but don’t lose hope, much more will turn up. Lahoris are better than that.


Source: Desi Vlogger / YouTube


Lahoris are also standing with Uncle Majboor because he’s the actual victim here right?

Via: Facebook

The organizers are pretty serious about the event and asking people to register very “officially”.


And a “Fanning the Sun” event inspired by “shooting the hurricane” that happened in Florida, USA was also organized by students at a university in Lahore

Via: Facebook


Like, Pakistanis ki creativity ki koi limit nahi haiLagay raho bacho.