Anyone celebrating the true essence of Ramazan is definitely looking to have a spiritually fulfilling month, after all this month does indeed hold a lot of significance for those who believe in it.
For a successful Ramazan, one way to be successful in your religious endeavors is by catching up reading that will not only make you a more evolved person but will also add to the wealth of knowledge that you amass.
These are 13 of the most spiritually stimulating books you should definitely read this Ramazan:
1. Quranic Wisdom by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
This book is a spiritual journey to understand the wisdom taught in the Quran and how you can benefit from it. It talks about how a person’s life has been divided into two phases: the pre-death period and the post-death period.
Buy it here.
2. Islam Rediscovered by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
This book sheds light on the true essence of Islam. The author brings a refreshing approach by emphasizing on the teachings of the Prophet and challenges the negative perceptions the West has about the religion.
Buy it here.
3. Muhammad: A Prophet for All Humanity by Maulana Wahiduddin Khan
Prophet Muhammad is considered the greatest influence on human history and this book takes you through his life and how he impacted humanity.
Buy it here.
4. How to Approach and Understand the Quran by Jamaal Al-Din Zarabozo
This book attempts to bridge the gap between Muslims and the Quran. The author writes about how the Quran can help Muslims get direction to lead a happier life.
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5. Reclaim Your Heart by Yasmin Mogahed
This book sheds light on how the Quran helped the author come out of the saddest moments in her life. The author describes this book as a manual for being happy and spiritually complete.
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6. Iqbal’s Concept of God by Salma Raschid
In this book, the author argues how Iqbal draws metaphysical conclusions from his reading and relates these philosophical debates with the Quran and the tradition of Muslim thought.
Buy it here.
7. Reasons for the Revelation by Ali ibn Ahmad
If you have ever wondered in what circumstances the Surahs in the Quran were revealed, this book will have all the answers to your curiosity.
Buy it here.
8. The Spiritual Practices of Rumi by Will Johnson
This book reveals the spiritual practice Rumi formulated in his private time with the wanderer Shams-i-Tabriz. The book makes the reader indulge in the uses of poetry and prose by Rumi to explain how to come face-to-face with the Divine one.
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9. The Gift By Daniel Ladinsky
This book has 250 of Hafiz’s most intimate poems which brings the essence of one of greatest Islamic poets.
Buy it here.
10. Stray Reflections by Javid Iqbal
This book is compiled of Allama Iqbal’s spiritual thought process and the observation of the world through his eyes.
Buy it here.
11. Spiritual Gems Of Islam by Imam Jamal Rahman
The gems of Islam is a spiritual treasure chest encompassing the reflections on verses of beauty and wisdom from the Qur’an, sayings of the Prophet Muhammad and Sufi poets.
Buy it here.
12. If the Oceans Were Ink by Carla Power
This book is a journey of a non-Muslim through the Quran, and how it changed her life to know what she never knew.
Buy it here.
13. Me and Rumi by Shams-I Tabrizi
This exhilarating autobiography is on the man who transformed Rumi from a learned religious teacher into the world’s greatest poet of mystical love.
Buy it here.
So what are you waiting for? Grab the book of your choice and let’s get reading.
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