For those of you who may not know this, a while back, women on Twitter started naming and shaming harassers. Countless men were exposed and shamed. Some apologized publicly, others simply disappeared. Among these men was Khalid Bajwa, the CEO of Patari.

In April 2018, Khalid Bajwa was asked to step down from his position as Patari’s CEO after numerous accusations surfaced with victims sharing proof


Patari issued an official statement regarding the matter. It seemed as if women had received a momentary win and things were going to be better.

However, recently, Twitter has been abuzz with rumors that Khalid Bajwa has, in fact, returned as the CEO.

A few tweets here and there led to #DeletePatari trending on Twitter. That, coupled with certain prominent members exiting the team were further fuel for these rumors.

Understandably, the Twitterverse is abuzz with people sharing their takes on the matter.

#DeletePatri has become the voice of this outrage.

The anger is palpable.

People are really pissed at Patari – for multiple reasons.

Rumors about Bajwa being back only added to the initial fury over Patari hosting music from another high profile alleged harasser’s upcoming movie.

People have a lot of questions.

Others are showing people how to boycott Patari.

Or are asking them to uninstall it.

People are even pointing out why movements like #MeToo don’t survive in Pakistan.

And others are explaining why “women don’t speak up.”

It’s bad, guys.

However, Patari did issue an official statement.

People aren’t buying it, though.

They want proof.

To add to this, an official statement was released by Patari’s team that has resigned:

So…what is the truth? Suffice to say, we’re all extremely confused and enraged. Here’s hoping this rumor turns out to be false. Otherwise, truly, it will set the already dwindling #MeToo movement back by miles.

Hey Boys And Girls, Here’s How NOT To Respond When Someone Accuses A Person Of Harassment

Patari’s CEO Khalid Bajwa Was Just Forced To Step Down After Women Accused Him Of Harassment On Twitter