We’ve all had our share of good and bad days in school. Making it through that phase seems like such an achievement. However, there were always some nerve-racking moments for all of us during our school days.
Here’s a list of a few of them that basically everyone can relate to
1. When you’re making dirty jokes with your friend and the teacher asks, ‘Would you like to share something with the class?’
2.When your teacher asks if you’re ready for the quiz and you had no idea there was one.
Keri quiz, ma’am?!

3. When someone erases the board while you’re still taking notes.
Kya mazaaq hai?
4. When the teacher bends over right in front of you to talk to someone and you see things you shouldn’t have
The horror.
5. When it’s your first day at a new school and you don’t know how to talk to people
6. When you accidentally call your teacher ‘Mama’.
One sec, just going to die here in my seat.
7. When you think you’ve aced your exam but all your friends had different answers.
Um, excuse me?
8.When the teacher calls on you in class and you aren’t paying attention.
*Sweats nervously*
9. When you try to stay awake in class but neend hai ke jaati nahi.
Must. Not. Snore.
10. When the teacher says only one student passed.
And you know damn well it wasn’t you.
*Mentally calculates the amount of chittars pending*

11. When you’re having fun with your friends and the teacher moves you to the front seat.

12. Girls always asking their friends, ‘mere peechay kuch laga tou nai hai?’
That fear of staining yourself stayed with you for a long time, didn’t it?
13.When your crush catches you staring at them.
It’s never like the movies. Ever.

Your time in school is pretty much the best time of your life in countless ways, but hey, it’s not always great. Do you have anything to add? Let us know in the comments.