Sometimes in all the hustle and bustle of life, whether you’re busy at work or stressing out about school, it’s good to enjoy the happy moments that randomly pop up every now and then. Everything from your crush texting you to passing a test you thought you completely failed.

SoOooOo we thought we would ask around and see what you guys thought of as your favourite moments:

Real tough questions, of course.

Since then, we were inspired to come up with a few of our own delightful moments as well. So here are just a few random moments of delight that would brighten anyone’s day:


1. Not getting in trouble for coming home late.

Source: Buzzfeed India

SHOCKING, but it happens.


2. Getting a text from your crush.

Source: deenga

um, NO bigger delight in the world.


3. Waking up before you need to and getting to go back to sleep.

In other words, heaven.


4. When the radio plays your favourite song.

via Deenga

Don’t act like you won’t be screaming Aitebaar when it comes on.


5. Opening a box of cookies in the pantry and it not being sewing supplies.

Source: Peek Freans

Again, barely happens but WHEN IT DOES? Haye, these #MomentsofDelight


6. Taking your shoes off after a lonnnng day.


Good vibes also brought to you by taking off your bra before going to bed.


7. Finding out there’s a sale at your favourite store.




8.  Passing a test that you thought you failed.

Lolsy, that you KNEW you failed.


9. Driving around and it starts to rain.


Add in some good music and day made.


10. Getting the last Jam Delight in the box when you thought they were finished.


*Crying happy tears*


11. Finding a phone charger right before your phone dies.


*More happy tears*


12. Finding free wifi.

Source: Deenga

Basically like finding gold.


13. Class being cancelled last minute.


The best class is a cancelled class.


14. Opening your Instagram to over 30 likes in under twenty minutes.

Source: Deenga

I am queen.

Have you ever been through any of these moments? Let us know in the comments below!

This post has been sponsored by Peek Freans Jam Delight.

Oh and guess what? NOW, you can win exciting weekly prizes by just participating in #MomentsofDelight campaign. Make sure you head over here and share your delight filled moments.