If you’ve ever worked out, especially if you’re a beginner you know that it’s more painful than gratifying. But in order to get healthy you have to push yourself through the grind so you put up with all the pain and numbness that you feel the next day.
Here’s what anyone who’s ever worked out thought about while doing the drill:
1. “It must’ve been an hour, I should be done by now.”
When in reality it’s just been 15 minutes.

2. When you’re not sure what you’re doing: “Am I doing this right?”
Is this how you do burpees? *looks around at others*

3. “Oh my god, this is going to kill me. Why did I sign up for this???”
100 crunches and I’m ready rip my abdomen out.
4. “How is that girl doing it so effortlessly?”

5. “When will I ever look like Nargis Fakhri while working out?”
*panting with sweat everywhere*
6. “I don’t care! I don’t want abs, I don’t want them. Let me go.”
7. “If I just sneak out after 20 squats instead of 50, will my trainer notice?”

8. “I’m going to be so sore tomorrow.”

9. “Nobody knows the real worth of time than a man holding a plank.”

10. When someone puts an awful playlist on: “NOOOO!”

11. “How expensive can butt implants really be?”

12. Are steroids really that bad?
13. While doing squats: “My butt better look god damn amazing by the end of this”.

14. After workout: “YES IT’S OVER, I KILLED IT!” *looks in the mirror for any signs of abs*
15. “I should continue this; I’ll look like a model in no time!”
16. *The next morning* “CANT FEEL MY LEGS!!!”
Soldier on, people. There are no shortcut to health.
Cover image via: dawn.com