A few days ago, harassment accusations against Umar Khan, better known as Ukhano on social media, have been circulating the web. The story and updates have been covered by various publications and Umar himself had previously come out with a video as well regarding this matter. Since then the video has been taken down.
In light of these accusations, Ukhano has released a Youtube video addressing the circumstances that have taken place.
In the video, he starts off by stating that in the video he uploaded previously, he was distraught by the accusations that were piling up from all directions. He says in this video, he is calm. He then goes on to discuss the screenshots that have been circulating on social media.
According to Umar, the conversations are private, personal, and two-way consensual conversations that have been presented in a manner to make Umar look a certain way, since the other party’s responses and names have been blurred out.
He talked about wanting people to clear up their concepts regarding flirting, consensual flirting, harassment, sexual harassment, violence, and domestic violence.
He also claims that he has suffered severe consequences since the matter is public.
He admits that some of the screenshots are real, but not all of them.
He goes on to claim that those screenshots are being used to show him as a sexual harasser or sexual predator.
He then goes on to say he has noted down the people that have allegedly defamed him and claims to have registered an FIA against them. He then discusses the possible penalties involved in the entire situation for all involved parties.
Umar then goes on to apologize to people that he has hurt or saddened, or made uncomfortable.
He then shifts from his apology to requesting people to publicly apologize to him and clear his name. Also, he requests people that are already on his side to personally call out people that have been involved with defaming him and ask them to apologize.
He finishes the video off by asking the viewers to wait for the court’s final decision.
Watch the entire video here:
What do you think of Umar Khan’s statement in his video?
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Cover image via Via Youtube/@UKHANO