We all talk about how much women are stereotyped, what we don’t exactly talk about so much is how men too are stereotyped. They’re expected to be all strong and macho and there’s nothing more hurtful to the society than pre-defined gender roles and stereotypes. While we all want men to stop asking women certain things (including leaving their passions for the family etc.) and let them make their own decisions. The same applies to women as well.
Here are, some of the things that women need to stop expecting from the men in their life, if equality is what we are truly aiming for:
1. He’s not your ATM machine
He is a human, not an ATM machine. If the times are tough or if he wants to focus more on his passions than earning money 24/7, you can always play your part in helping out with the finances. Can’t you?
2. He’s not your emotional slave to be available to you 24/7
Be understanding if can’t be there for you every breathing minute. Personal space is important.
3. He’s not a psychic or a magician that he’ll automatically know what’s wrong
Sometimes they just don’t know why you’re upset. Instead of being passive aggressive and expecting them to automatically know what you’re thinking, talk to them about it.
4. He can’t solve all your problems, do it yourself
Be a strong, independent woman that you are and save yourself.
5. He’s a human, he can have faults and problems
6. He has his own likes, not everything you like
You are two different individuals so it’s only fair to have different choices about things in life.
7. He can also want some alone time to himself
‘Main bhi aajaoun?’
8. And that goes for shopping choices, too
As trivial of an issue as it sounds, don’t be upset when he buys things that he likes contrary to your advice. Again, personal space!
9. He’s not your driver
Just learn to drive!
10. You can’t expect him to leave his passions and friends for his family
11. He and his friends need some space
12. Did I mention, you shouldn’t expect him to be a super human?
He’s a human being too and he is allowed to be emotional and vulnerable too and that doesn’t make him less manly, just more human.
13. Most of all, don’t always expect him to take the first step
You can initiate things too, you know.
Cover image via: style.pk