Saba Qamar has been one of our industry’s most vocal actors after the harrowing demise of 6-year-old Zainab, who was kidnapped, raped and murdered in her hometown Kasur earlier this year. The actor raised hairs after her breakdown on live television, calling for an end to the proliferating oppression plaguing our society in an emotional speech.


The actress more recently appeared in Shuja Haider’s music video ‘Jeevan Daan’ that heartachingly addresses child abuse in Pakistan. The darkness you see is raw – it’s a terrifying bundle of aesthetics that seeps out a lot of ambiguity for a viewer to decide how they wish to interpret the content. Saba, from what we deciphered, represents a symbol of our society – she’s the spectator standing on the sidelines, watching our children succumb to oppression, but left helpless and utterly hopeless.

Source: Soundscape


Child marriage and child labor are two issues highlighted in the powerful video in very simple shots that allow a clear focus on the pressing matters at hand. At one point the lyrics, sung by Shuja Haider discuss Zainab too, and we come to understand the kernel of the tragic song.

Source: Soundscape


It’s an ode to what’s happening – and we mustn’t forget the power of the arts, for cinema, television and such visual mediums to have the power to help catalyze change.

Source: Soundscape


Saba is outstanding in the video, and we can concede that we are also part of the problem as we witness Saba’s fluctuating facial expressions projecting incapability and impotence that we as society harbor.

Source: Soundscape


We know what we see, and we know what troubles our country – either we can choose to fight it, and do something about it or we stay suffocated in our bubbles, and fall asleep as all hope crumbles around us (seen here as Saba falls asleep after a pillow fight)

Source: Soundscape


Watch the full video below



What did you think of Shuja Haider’s music video featuring Saba?

15 Powerful Lessons Saba Qamar Wants Pakistan To Learn After Zainab’s Tragedy