Following last weeks head to head battles, this week saw the last 6 bands facing each other for a spot in the coveted top 8 for this season of Pepsi Battle of the Bands. It was going to be an intense battle from the get-go and the bands did not disappoint!


The first battle was between ‘Auj’ and ‘Jhoot’.

‘Auj’ came in HOT with their original ‘O Jaana’. A mix of pop, rock and amazing vocals made this performance TRULY unforgettable. The crowd was swaying to their music and there were smiles on the faces of the judges. ‘Auj’ had begun the episode on the right note and had also set the bar for the rest of the bands.

Source: Pepsi Pakistan


Before Jhoot stepped up to perform, they talked about how Auj, and their vocalist, would prove to be a big threat to them in this head to head battle. They performed their original ‘Sona Chandi’, which did not impress as much as Auj’s performance.

The judges were ALL praise for ‘Auj’ and it totally made sense why! Without a doubt, Auj went through to the next round and Jhoot was in the danger zone.

Listen to their song here, and feel the power of their performance.


Auj fans could not contain their excitement and love for their music.

Some interesting comparisons were being made.

Source: Pepsi Pakistan / YouTube


Source: Pepsi Pakistan / YouTube


Source: Pepsi Pakistan / YouTube


The next battle was Black Hour vs. Marjaan. 

Both bands managed to knock the socks off the judges and lead to them having to make a tough call. It was between Marjaan’s ‘Rang Jaa’ and Black Hour’s ‘Aik Nayi Subh’. The judges thought that Marjaan was taking it home after their performance but Black Hour shocked them and they loved it! Due to Black Hour’s range and overall cohesion, the judges chose them to go to the next round.

Source: Pepsi Pakistan


Lastly, we had Seismic Tremors and Uraan!

‘Seismic Tremors’performed a narration rap song that brought its own level of intensity and power to the Pepsi stage. Uraan responded with a mellow number, ‘Gol’, which ended up being in their favor. The judges enjoyed Uraan’s voice overall and moved them to the next round.

Source: Pepsi Pakistan


Now, there was one slot left and the judges had to pick who will fill it. 

After much debate, they chose Marjaan as they were the only band in the bottom who gave a killer performance!

Source: Pepsi Pakistan


Who’s your favorite band this season? Let us know in the comments 🙂

‘E-Sharp’ And ‘Aarish’ Are Quickly Becoming Fan Favorites After This Week’s Pepsi Battle Of The Bands

The Second Episode Of Pepsi Battle Of Bands Is Here, And I Can’t Stop Singing ‘O Shabana’

 Cover Photo Courtesy: Pepsi Pakistan

This post has been made in partnership with Pepsi Pakistan