Meera ji is back in full force. The actress, who was apparently residing in Hollywood the past few months working on an unknown project is back in the motherland…and left no opportunity wasted as she took to an interview and surprised the live audience with a rather questionable rendition of ‘My Heart Will Go On.’


The actress belted out Celine Dion’s ‘My Heart Will Go On’ as she read the lyrics on a mobile phone during a live recording of a Pakistani show

Meera appeared on a live show and treated the live audience to her very unique ode to Celine Dion’s romantic anthem – best known from film ‘Titanic,’ starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet.


Meera’s version wasn’t appreciated unfortunately

Source: ebuzztoday/Instagram


Source: ebuzztoday/Instagram


Source: ebuzztoday/Instagram

Source: ebuzztoday/Instagram


Some expressed dismay as to why Meera set herself up for these particular situations

Source: ebuzztoday/Instagram


Source: ebuzztoday/Instagram


And a few commended her confidence

Source: ebuzztoday/Instagram


Source: ebuzztoday/Instagram


This version was a bit catchy, to be honest!

Source: ebuzztoday/Instagram

Others thought she did a splendid job (we think)

Source: ebuzztoday/Instagram


Source: ebuzztoday/Instagram


And there were a few who condemned whoever put her up to this

Source: ebuzztoday/Instagram

What did you think of Meera’s version?