Tomorrow it is.

Imran Khan just announced that Indian Air Force Commander Abhinandand will be freed to go back home tomorrow.

Source: Yahoo

Decided in a joint session, Khan said that after trying to unsuccessfully reach Modi for talks in efforts to deescalate tensions between India and Pakistan, he decided that the Commander would be released on March 1st as a peace gesture.

Before the opposition had a chance to speak in a parliamentary session, Imran began by cutting in and stating that the release would be made.

Source: Dawn

Imran has said that the situation has become dire and some kind of accord must be made before everything gets out of hand.

Commander Abhi was the Indian Airforce Pilot that was taken into Pakistan’s custody following his landing on Pakistani soil once his fighter jet was shot down by Pakistani forces.

The Commander quickly gained attention and popularity among many with his kind words on our Air Force and more importantly, our tea.

Have you seen the news on the commander? Watch the live session here. Let us know what you think in the comments below.

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Cover photo source: Still Man News/Yahoo