“Earlier this year, Bollywood released a film called ‘Uri: The Surgical Strike’ and as you can probably tell from the name, the film was about the 2016 surgical strike India conducted in response to the Uri attack that year.
Following India’s LOC crossing and subsequent ‘strike’ in Balakot, people were wondering if Bollywood’s history would repeat itself.
I am waiting for Bollywood directors, to make a movie on Pulwama attack and on so cald surgical strike 2. #jpdutta like #uri 😂😂😂😂. #handpumpsena
— محمد مسرور (@MohammadMasror) February 26, 2019
#PakistanZindabaad #Bollywood got another script for their movie #URI 2 #moodi
— Zaka Gondal (@zaka_ah) February 27, 2019
Claiming casualties of 300 people is the new script of upcoming Bollywood movie URI 2 ( Fake surgical strikes 2 ) Unfortunately there is no option of HAHA react in twitter. Welcome to earth Indians for coming out of hole after 12 days
— Nayeem Islam 🇵🇸 (@nayeems3c) February 26, 2019
India and Pakistan, both indulge in producing patriotic war movies, and recently in India, we’ve seen a rise in this type of content; from films like ‘Airlift’, ‘Raazi’, and most recently ‘Uri’. In the case of ‘Uri’ the idea and the execution of the film came a bit after the actual incidents, but as of this afternoon, it seems like Bollywood is moving faster than anyone thought.
The Huffington Post reported that Indian producers are registering films with titles like ‘Pulwama: The Deadly Attack’.
'Abhinandan,' 'Pulwama,' 'Balakot': Bollywood producers are fighting to register 'patriotic' movie titles, reports @aktalkies https://t.co/VqHaHnfaPz
— HuffPost India (@HuffPostIndia) February 28, 2019
According to the new report, there has been an ‘overwhelming’ amount of applications from filmmakers for film titles surrounding ‘Pulwama’, ‘Balakot’ and ‘Abhinandan’.
One of the journalists at the newspaper went undercover to find out this information and was able to get the deed for a film called “PULWANA: THE DEADLY ATTACK”. The reporter also checked with the Bollywood regulatory body about films with titles that included “Abhinandan or Wing Commander Abhinandan”. This is the response he got; ‘Please send your application quickly. It will be gone soon.”
People online were NOT happy.
Bollywood is a fuckin plague
— Nahim 🫡 (@nah_im_abdulla) February 28, 2019
This move was called ’embarrassing’.
Bollywood might fail in making quality films but they never fail in embarrassing themselves https://t.co/yz7dILHgw9
— S (@LoyleMoltisanti) February 28, 2019
These events all JUST happened, this is actually CRAZY.
Every damn thing is on sale. https://t.co/Mz3zdZKosv
— Halimé Sultan (@inshah_) February 28, 2019
Casting bhi shuru hogayi.
Ajay devgan kay sath mathuri dixit https://t.co/bq1GE5KNLp
— عثمان (@mysteriouslyvj) February 28, 2019
This is just baffling.
Indian media coverage (and Bollywood’s base responses) have been real low points this past week. Sad to see. https://t.co/jlZVDO3sXQ
— fatima bhutto (@fbhutto) February 28, 2019
It’s not even like we can say that that stuff is back to normal- tensions are still high but ain’t nothing stopping Bollywood.
It seems like war is less about two countries, more about who can gain the most out of it.
War is a profitable business for some. Some get votes, some sell tickets. https://t.co/uLl6Z7yx4V
— M. Jibran Nasir 🇵🇸 (@MJibranNasir) February 28, 2019
Not a good move, Bollywood!
As mentioned earlier, there has been a ‘trend’ of nationalistic films being made and it only seems to be getting more intense. However, this scrambling for film rights is just disgusting- instead of focusing on peace and the restoration of some normality, these producers are busy how to further create more anti-Pakistan sentiment and further fuel the ‘war’ mentality. These past few days should be a lesson- war between Pakistan and India is an incredibly scary thought; our focus needs to be on peace.
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Cover Photo Courtesy: RSVP Productions