If you’re here, we’re guessing you were part of the pack of brothers (and sisters, of course) that dealt with the pain and betrayal of braces. Because of a twisted Divine joke, you were blessed with an unfortunate smile – twisty teeth, jaws not aligned, vampire fangs (like me) and you had to eventually pick your poison.  Well, you’re not alone.

Here are all the feelings every Pakistani who grew up with braces will understand:


This morbid and gag-worthy moment:


The worst 45 second of your life.


Somebody convinced you this was a good idea at least once.

Source: Pinterest


When you first get braces and you’re like, “you know what, this isn’t so bad”

Source: Popsugar


Only to find out the very next day that the pain is UNBEARABLE.

Source: livestrong.com

When your ortho didn’t cut off enough wire from the sides.

Source: YouTube



And instead of gum like every normal teenager, you used to carry around WAX

Source: orthostore


Food would get stuck in there all the damn time

Source: Quickmeme


Going to five different medical stores for this orthodontic specialty toothbrush:

Source: Alibaba


And there was a rather long list of all the things your doctor told you to “perhayz karein” from. Which meant:


Source: ATouchOfWhimsy Via: Flikr


Or ganderi

Source: Raja Islam Via: Flikr


Biting into a crunchy, juicy apple like, ever.

Source: Imgur



Source: Amazonaws


Or always having to pass saying hello to this important member of the family:

Source: animatedgifs


Being that idiot who eats a burger with a knife and fork.

Source: Youtube


Getting your braces tightened and dying a little inside.

Source: Satireknight


This spawn of the devil:

Source: rickmartinorthodontics


Death by rubber band: An Autobiography.

Source: Youtube


Not being able to give a teethy smile for pictures and end up looking like a creep. 

Source: youtube


But when you do…

Source: Tribune India


Well, at least at the end of the day, the result was

A  M  A  Z  I  N  G

Source: pinterest



Cover image via: puresmilesortho.com