Hardee’s has done it again and we’ve had just about ENOUGH of this stunt. This time, it’s a lot less…subtle.


Hardee’s Pakistan posted this on their Facebook page some time ago:

The caption reads: “It’s big, it’s loaded, its Hardee’s. Which Hardee’s burger is your favorite?


And we find this extremely problematic.

Source: Tumblr

Okay, we’re all about thinking outside the box and learning to accept creativity. But the good kind of marketing focuses on not only wow-ing their audience but to having a long lasting impact. This? This is plain cheap, crass and classless campaigns.


And we’re not alone:


Sadly, advertising today heavily relies on objectification of women and advertisements almost always has sublime misogynistic undertones, this is straight-up bat shit crazy. One would think after the massive backlash to their prior campaign, Hardee’s would dial it down but they seem to be as thick as the burgers they’re trying to sell.


You might also like: These Hardee’s Advertisements Are Causing Outrage in Pakistan


And Hardee’s doesn’t stop there. This is what the rest of their campaigns look like right now:

When vulgarity takes the turn for the worse

“When you know you want the Chicken Loader…”


They’re trying to be risque just for the sake of being risque

“Looking for the key to your heart? Find it at Hardee’s!”


And then there’s some subliminal subjugation loaded with a twist of male superiority

This probably why YOU DON’T HAVE A BAE.


You absolutely cannot miss the objectification in this one. NOT ONE CHANCE.

“Start your weekend with a slurp of our caramel shake!”


Are you kidding me?

“Have you tried our delicious new caramel shake?”


Apparently not.


The thing is, you can’t just write this off, exclaim “Oh, that? That’s Hardee’s being naughty again”. It’s just not that simple. In a country where women are already harassed in the streets, at schools, at bazaars, at public parks, at parking lots, at exhibitions, at restaurants, at cinemas, at conventions…practically everywhere, you don’t want influencers perpetuating the problem.

Sorry, not on our watch.


Tune in every Friday for MangoBaaz’s Feminist Fridays if you want to sound off about this and more things that plague a Pakistani woman.




Feeling outraged at Hardee’s? Here’s more:



This is What Happens if You’re a Feminist in Pakistan





Sexist Things Pakistanis Say on a Daily Basis That Need to be Stopped RIGHT NOW