So you finally decide to get fit and healthy and have mercy on your poor little stomach by resorting to dieting? Good job. It’s the mindset that counts, or so you’d think. When a Pakistani diets, however, there is a lot that goes on. First is the massive struggle with controlling those cravings when every Sunday morning you see your whole family sitting down to a giant gluttonous breakfast of parathay in desi ghee.
Here are some of the other struggles you’d relate to if you’ve ever tried dieting, or are currently on one:
1. People ask you why you’re dieting
“I guess it’s hard for people to understand that I’m just trying to be healthier.”
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2. Your friends will plan a lunch meet-up at that restaurant you had been dying to go to
Just when you start watching what you eat, your friends want to socialize over the very thing you want to stay away from.
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3. Your family dinners will have all your favorite food
You know you are trying to cut down on your calories intake but somehow the world wants to break your vows by presenting you with all the nihari, paaye and biryani that you just can’t seem to refuse.
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4. Your brother will order pizza every single night of the week
In his defense, there was nothing to eat at home. In your defense, you just can’t say no to a pizza.
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5. Your parents will advertise your diet to everyone they talk to
Then your relatives start asking you questions, some to ridicule your dieting. “Why on earth are you dieting at such a young age?”
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6. Your dad will make negative remarks about your diet
“Yeh dieting se kuch nahi hota, weak hojaogay.”
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7. Your mom will feed you with even more roti than before
She thinks you won’t notice and intentionally gives you more food as she is worried you might starve yourself.
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8. When you plan to workout to supplement your diet, the weather will be against you
“Hmm, I wonder what I can do at home…”
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9. You’ll get sick of all the sukkhay vegetables you eat
While you appreciate the health benefits of vegetables, you WILL get fed up of them and want some good, greasy, fat filled food every now and then.
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10. You will see others eat without a care for their waistline and will cry inside
Every once in a while, you will encounter those “diet-violators” who keep eating the exact type of food you’re trying to avoid.
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11. You won’t know what to do with your life anymore
Food was supposed to be your lifelong companion but now you have broken up with it due to its negative repercussions on your body.
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“Yes, Juggan. I do want to marry a cake AND a pastry.”
12. You will get cravings and will think about breaking your diet
With all that’s going on around you, how could you NOT want to stuff your mouth with some feel good food? HOW???
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13. You will dream about food even when you’re not sleeping
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14. You will decide to cheat on your diet
No one has to know.
15. But because you are a strong person you will hang in there
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You know you can do it, just think about those sexy pants you’ve been dreaming about fitting into at the end of your diet.