Feminism in Pakistan has seen a burgeoning growth in the past decade. Every single incident that even remotely involves a woman or a group of women is considered as a case of desi feminism gone wild and truly so. Be it the women on bicycles, Malala Yousafzai or Sharmeen Obaid Chinoy, Pakistani women seem to have gotten out of control.

Here is a list of some of the things that are terribly wrong with the feminists in Pakistan:


1. Feminists in Pakistan seem to believe that they are entitled to ask for equal rights as that of men.

As if!

Source: ARY Films


2. They think it is okay for them to go out and roam around on bicycles and distract the hard-working men of this country.

Source: deenga.com
Source: deenga.com


3. Some of them even go as far as daring to go out and work.

Source: Tumblr
Via: Tumblr


4. And then choose their own professions

Source: Tumblr
Source: A & B Entertainment


5. Some have even gone out faking things like acid attacks and abuse and then gone on to win awards.



6. They think it is okay for a woman to ask her husband to divide the household duties, especially if she is a working woman.

Source: Tumblr
Via: Tumblr


7. Some outrageously think men should be taught about basic biological process like menstruation and pregnancy in order for them to be able to empathize with the women in their life.

Source: REDRUM Films / ARY Films
Source: REDRUM Films / ARY Films



8. Feminists even think wearing dupatta while going out is a choice. 

Sister, you cover that head or get ready to be raped. Baad main na kehna. 

Source: IRK Films


9. They think it is their right to marry whenever they want, whoever they want. 

Le dasso!

Source: Tumblr
Via: Tumblr


10. Others will talk about bullshit like “equal rights”, of course they’ll get bullets for that.

Source: Khalil Senosi Via: Daily Mail
Source: Khalil Senosi Via: Daily Mail


11. Feminists think it’s okay to talk about it if you’re getting harassed and demean the poor men who were just trying to let their frustration out. 

Source: Tumblr
Via: Tumblr

They’re just boys, c’mon.


12. And then they dare blame men for not letting them do what they want while evidently they are the ones who have brought this upon themselves. 

Via: Tumblr


Lol, women.

Editor’s note: We aren’t alleging that any of the gentlemen in the accompanying GIFs are sexist, they’re just here for ‘dramatic’ effect. And Fawad Khan’s there for eye candy. Oh, and in case you didn’t get it, yeh sarcasm tha dost.

Cover image via: baaghi.tv