You hear people wax poetry about life beyond the college gates and how you are finally free into the world as an adult. Indeed, it is true that some people do start to treat you like an adult but what no one tells you is that ‘adulthood’ is just a big sham! And so is the fable of life after college. YES, it’s all a big stinky pile of bullshit.


Source: Giphy


The Job Hunt is all a vicious trap of bullshit.

You have to look for something productive to do with your life since most people’s educational endeavors end after graduation. The ‘productive’ activity in question is a job and finding one of those is like finding that leprechaun’s pot of gold at the end of a rainbow.


Source: Giphy

You apply to countless “dream jobs” but without any word (not even a rejection, from most of them). And then after weeks, and even months, of struggle you end up doing what most of adult life is all about – settling. You settle for that comfortably paying job until you can locate that rainbow of yours.


The existence of a vibrant social life after college is just a bullshit lie.

Once the festivities of your last semester and final goodbyes after graduation are done with, you are so burnt out by all the partying that you take a breather for a while to recharge your batteries so you can come back to… crickets (the bug, not the game)!

Source: Giphy

Yes, sadly you’ll find that most of your friends are off to different parts of the world in search of a better life. Those near you will either have become busy with their jobs or have found a new entertainment – The Getting Married Game!

I can already see the constant whatsapping and the making, unmaking, scheduling, unscheduling and rescheduling of plans that eventually never happen.


Your ability to fulfill your post-graduation dreams is more bullshit that you keep telling yourself.

Having settled for the comfortable-paying-but-not-your-dream-job, you would now surely want to start saving up money so that you can do the things you used to dream of, right? Say, travel the world or start buying all the things that you never thought possible unless you whined to daddy dearest to open his vaults?

Source: Giphy

WAIT! Did you think you were going to jet off for a month of partying to Sao Paulo when the  concept of summer vacations longer exists?

AND, that shopping spree you were dreaming about? Sure, good luck with that when you get home drained from a day of dealing with a crappy workplace and all you want to do is stuff your face till you fall asleep as you binge-watch new episodes of House of Cards.


Finding your Zen and loving yourself however you are, as a sign of maturity after graduation is bloody bullshit.

Source: Giphy

Of course, your mind is working on overdrive stressing about finding that dream job, making time for a social life and looking for ways to actually start working toward fulfilling your life’s dreams. All this while you’re also trying to cope with the stress of not having any predetermined goal to look forward to, like educational milestones, exams and such. And all this while you’re no way near  your savings goals, being happy with yourself is bound to not happen.


But remember, one thing…


Anyone telling you to not make life choices that make you happy because ‘log kiya kahen ge’ is talking the biggest bullshit of all!

Source: Giphy

So yeah, remember this: whatever God, god or goddess you may believe in and whatever everyone else keeps telling you, we all know we are not staying young or alive forever. Sure, you need to make money to survive and sure, you need to struggle for a certain kind of lifestyle but what use is that money or lifestyle if you are not going to stop and enjoy it?

Relax! Don’t take things, and yourself, too seriously. I know many people say this but try and understand what it means and you won’t need to look for that pot of gold anymore. You’ll build your own pot and fill it with your own kind of treasure.

Live life the way it makes you and your beliefs, morals, principles and inner self happy. And, let others live their lives the way it makes them happy. We’re already living in very stressed times, don’t make things harder on each other by making it your business what someone does or believes in.


Source: Giphy


Too heavy, now I’ll need to YouTube Meera jee videos to take the edge off.