Ayesha Mumtaz sent her PFA minions to Islamabad who successfully raided eateries and imposed fines amounting up to Rs. 1,44,000. While the PFA has done a great job, we wanted to pay respect to some of our most beloved eateries that we may no longer want to visit. Thanks for ruining our weekends PFA. You guys rock!
1. Chaye Khaana
Source: pink255
Who doesn’t love chai/chaaye with some good food. I’ll miss going here and buying my over priced chai with a hint of filthy.
Source: giphy
2. Roasters
Source: eatoye
Ok, so you took away our chai but you could’ve left the coffee. Where should I go for my coffee now? Gloria?? Meh.
Source: tribune
3. House of Bombay
Source: justeatislamabad
Now I know why every time I went cray cray on their buffet, my stomach regretted it. I guess no more Bombay biryanis and less trips to the bathroom. Not sure if I’m too happy about it. Biryani ka mazaak nahi hota…
Source: pakpassion
4. Kentucky Fried Chicken
Source: devianart
The last thing that you need to worry when it comes to KFC is cleanliness. Have you ever seen their chicken? In any case, I’ll always love the Zinger. Sorry Ayesha Mumtaz, your trickery will not change my unhealthy habits.
Source: giphy
5. Habibi Restaurant
Source: knizam
I wasn’t personally the biggest fan of this place but I was always intrigued by it’s name. It made me feel I was living in Al Bakistan. Habibi, why you do this to me bae?
Source: halalhumour
6. Lahori Grill
Source: groupin
Although we all love Lahori food, it’s kinda expected for the food to be unhygienic. Just hope your paratha rolls didn’t have donkey meat. yummy! Healthy food never tasted so good.
Source: memecenter
7. Savour Foods
Source: dailypakistan
One of the most famous places in the city where I can have the world’s best Pulao. First they take my biryani, and now my pulao. Yeh kya mazaak hai?? I’m #mad.
Source: halalhumour
8. Food Garage
Source: pakistani
Their Chicken Tikka pizza was something else. I guess PFA doesn’t want me to enjoy pizza either. I wish I knew how to make one myself…
Source: giphy
9. Oxygen Lounge
Source: paktive
If all of the above wasn’t enough, PFA doesn’t want me to breathe oxygen! Okay, fine, that kinda sounded dramatic, but this place was kinda cool. I liked the concept of consuming oxygen while eating my steak. Who knows what that steak was made of…
Source: quickmemes
PFA’s efforts are definitely cleaning up the streets and saving Pakistanis from pooping lava. We may be upset at our famous restaurants closing down, but we’re all better off without their low quality (read: shitty) food.