Transgender Activist Gul Panra was shot dead in Peshawar On Wednesday, in what seems like a horrifying display of aggression,
Despite major steps having been taken by the Government to help make the transgender community be less marginalized, the treatment
This is part of our annual, series, “14 Days, 14 Stories”, about ordinary Pakistanis who are doing extraordinary things.
Out of the many aspects which make the upcoming general elections unique, one is the aspect of transgenders being granted
International Transgender Visibility Day is an annual event that occurs on the 31st of March. It’s dedicated to celebrating transgender people
Sex reassignment surgery (SRS), is also known as gender reassignment surgery. It is a surgical procedure performed on a person
The transgender community lacks representation in mainstream media. While that has remained consistent for many years, there are many outlets
Transgenders in Pakistan have been ridiculed for the longest time. The transgender community is often ostracized. It’s no secret that their