Annie Ali Khan was found dead in her apartment in Karachi due to a fire on July 21, 2018. The police findings till now suggest that the former model and writer may have committed suicide as the fire started when she supposedly began to burn her books. The resulting smoke suffocated her and that resulted in her death.
Annie was a model who recently made the move to journalism and writing. The writer was most famous for her report called ‘The Missing Daughters of Pakistan’. She supposedly had just finished writing a book which is under publication currently. Most of us may think that Annie wasn’t part of our lives in any way or form, however, that is not particularly true.
Singer, Shehzad Roy, mourned Annie’s death in a tweet he sent out yesterday.
Annie was in my video “saali” and I remember her as a lively, intelligent and well-read person . The Annie I knew was full of life and I can’t believe or imagine that she took her own life . Her passing should be investigated throughly
— Shehzad Roy (@ShehzadRoy) July 22, 2018
Shehzad Roy, while honouring the memory of his friend, also threw us a serious nostalgia bomb. One of Roy’s most popular songs, ‘Saali Tu Maani Nahin’ is ingrained in the memory of most of us Millenials and those older. I still vividly remember the video, Shehzad Roy goes up to the house, only to encounter an overly protective Javed Sheikh and then goes on to woo her through various methods.
Many of us may not have interacted with or seen Annie in the public like that again, however, it is sad to see such a creative and young soul leave us under such tragic conditions.
Many of Shehzad Roy’s fans reacted to the news
Its sad that mental health is so under-discussed in our part of the world. Its high time we opened up about it. May she rest in peace ..
— SMP (@S_Pardhan621) July 22, 2018
Calls were made for a proper investigation
For sure investigation must be done 🕊 Rest In Peace ❤️💐
— Syd Moon (@Moon2Rise) July 22, 2018
Of course, people remembered her for her iconic portrayal of saali
What! 😲 I remember seeing her in your video. Sad news
— unknownmystery (@BiryaniChor420) July 22, 2018
And there were many voices that questioned the findings of the police report so far
Seems fishy. Burnt her books and suffocated they say. Unless she tied herself down or locked the door and threw away the key, it's human instinct to escape when your life is on the line. She just sat there and suffocated, without anything restricting her escape. RIP.
— Sonu Sher🌈🐾 (@Itsthebitsyboga) July 22, 2018
Other than Shehzad Roy’s tweet, many others have expressed their deep grief and shock over Annie Ali Khan’s sudden death
What a blessing it was to have an elder sister like you. @Anniealikhan3 there will never be another like you. I’m shattered to hear that you’re no more. #anniealikhan #annie #pakistannie #beloved #sister
— Shayan ali khan (@Shayanalikhan3) July 21, 2018
Absolutely stunned and saddened to hear about the untimely death of former Pakistani model and writer Annie Ali Khan after a fire broke out in her apartment.
She was one of the nicest people in the industry. A reminder of how fragile life is. #RIP
— Madeeha Syed (@madeehasyed) July 21, 2018
Really saddened to hear about Annie Ali Khan's untimely death💔we collaborated on her cover story fr @HeraldPakistan about The Missing Daughters of Pakistan fr which I illustrated the cover. She was brilliant, encouraging & supportive! May her soul RIP❤️
— samya (@samyarif) July 23, 2018
Clearly, Annie left a deep impact on the lives of the people in her life. May the investigation bring out the truth about her death.
Rest in Peace Annie.
In memory of Annie, here’s the iconic song once again
Shehzad Roy’s Latest Performance Has These 27 People Searching For His Jawaani Ka Raaz