Qaim Ali Shah has been the Chief Minister of Sindh province since time immemorial. Many have come, and many more of have gone but Mr. Shah, also lovingly known among the public as ‘Saeein’, has been a constant. He is probably one of the most seasoned politicians Pakistan has ever seen and with the announcement of his replacement as the Chief Minister, the people of Sindh, and Pakistan as a whole, are sure to miss him.

These folks are particularly sad about the Saeein being replaced and they have strong feelings.


1. Like this well wisher


2. And this historian


3. This guy senses there is a conspiracy behind the replacement

Or you know, could be because the man is more than 80 years old and needs some rest after a long and successful political career.


4. Some people speculated about the possible next step in life Mr. Shah will take


5. Haters like this guy also ranted against the historic legendary Qaim Ali Shah


6. And this one


7. Mostly, people are sad to see their source of entertainment be gone


8. This one was surprised about the sudden turn of events


9. This one appreciates the value of Mr. Shah and knows what his next step should be


10. The whole world is standing with Mr. Shah and doesn’t want to see him replaced


11. But this jaded soul is skeptical about Saeein’s replacement


12. This guy wants to see Saeein live happily ever after


13. This psychic has predictions for Mr. Shah’s future political career


14. While this one can’t help but speculate about other political leaders walking in the footsteps of Mr. Shah


15. Whatever anyone may think of Saeein, this guy has spoken the final word on him


How do you feel about Saeein being replaced?


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