Whether you believe that Reham Khan’s book is factual or not, it is definitely very entertaining

Everyone expected Reham Khan to serve some serious tea with her book, but honestly, NO ONE could have expected this.

Reham Khan’s self-titled book is supposedly about her own life but somehow she mentions Imran Khan much more than she mentions anything else.


In fact, if you want specifics, she mentions the word ‘Imran’ about 1,266 times!

While her ex-husband Ijaz Rehman is mentioned 179 times.

And she doesn’t shy away from the topic of sex. Using the word itself 61 times.

The word kiss is only mentioned 23 times.

Source: americanbazaaronline.com


Considering her son helped her write and edit the book, all this information is slightly disturbing…

She mentions her ex-husband political party, PTI, about 345 times.

She doesn’t spare Imran Khan’s previous ex-wife Jemima Khan either, 81 times to be specific.

And maybe Reham misses her time at Bani Gala, because the place warranted a total of 85 mentions in her book.

There is no love lost between Reham and her ex-sister-in-law Aleema Khan yet she mentions Aleem an exact 48 times in the book.


Here’s a chart for some of the most overused words

Reham’s book is filled heavily with the mention of politics and political parties.

The word politics itself is mentioned 67 times. PML-N is mentioned 30 times while PPP is mentioned only 5 times.

The word gay makes an appearance 5 times. While the world abuse is mentioned 50 times.


People are not convinced of the details Reham has provided and are doubting the authenticity of the entire autobiography. The entire book is a wild read and you should read it at your own risk.

What do you think of Reham Khan’s book so far?


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Cover Image Source: amazon.ca/english.alarabiya.net