In a groundbreaking ceremony, Myco, the global video streaming platform, proudly announced the signing of three exceptional athletes as brand ambassadors: Shahzaib Rind, Wushu and Karate Combat champion, Shehroze Kashif, Guinness World Record holder mountaineer, and Agha Kaleem, Muay Thai world champion. This event marks a significant milestone in Myco’s commitment to supporting and promoting outstanding athletes.
Somair Rizvi, Co-Founder & CEO Business Operations of Myco, accompanied by the Myco team and media representatives, introduced the new brand ambassadors, highlighting Myco’s dedication to fostering talent and providing unwavering support to athletes like Shahzaib, Shehroze, and Agha, as well as many others. Rizvi emphasized Myco’s mission to empower athletes, enhance their visibility, and offer them opportunities to thrive on both national and international stages.
In a statement, Somair Rizvi shared, “We are thrilled to welcome Shahzaib Rind, Shehroze Kashif, and Agha Kaleem to the Myco family. These athletes exemplify excellence, determination, and resilience, aligning perfectly with Myco’s values. Our platform is committed to supporting their journeys and providing them with the resources they need to reach new heights. This partnership underscores our belief in the power of sports and the importance of nurturing talent.”
Myco’s commitment to sports extends beyond individual athletes. The platform has also secured the coveted digital streaming rights for World Cup recently highlighting the significance of sports in Pakistan, reshaping the landscape of digital sports streaming and promising an unparalleled cricket viewing experience for fans in Pakistan.
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