Well, the world has definitely landed on the moon. You might also know there are preparations underway for trips to Mars now. Pakistan, on the other hand is plagued with its own trying times but these people are done with it.

They’re impressed with what the world has achieved:


1. Like this guy who’s just done with Asma and her easyload requests


2. This guy who’s probably a nerd



3. Or this one who got a little too intense



4. And this one whose love life is intense


5. This joker who can crack a funny one


6. And this lazy one right here


7. And this one who doesn’t agree with the thousands of tajzeeakars on TV these days


8. This one who spoke the truth


9. This person who thinks Popalzai’s not funny anymore



10. This desperate twitterati


11. And this guy who doesn’t want his aaloo at Rs. 5 per kg



12. This guy is probably sad about being single this Valentine’s


13. This fellow doesn’t like Pakistanis’ fixation with jhaaj A.K.A aeroplane


14. And this guy just wants you to grow up already


15. But this guy really knows how fast the orange line really is going to be
