Mahira Khan and Sheyeryar Munawar have been close friends for a long time now. The two starred together alongside fellow actor Adeel Hussain in the film ‘Ho Mann Jahaan,’ a touching tale about three friends fighting the norms of society to stay together. Mahira and Sheyeryar were recently gallivanting in Turkey together for an advertisement shooting for Coke, and honestly had such fun we secretly want to escape to some foreign city with our own besties really.


Mahira posted this throwback post on her Instagram, with herself and Sheheryar having a taste of Turkey’s famous ice cream

The actress posted a series of adorable videos of the two getting gloriously confused over the famous Turkish ice cream swapping and tossing (a famous Turkish attraction for many, including Bollywood actor Aamir Khan). While a startled Mahira couldn’t stop giggling, cheeky Sheheryar was more interactive.


Mahira also coupled the videos with a few snaps of herself, Sheyeryar and friends on the streets of Turkey and having quite a thrilling time

Source: @mahirakhan/Instagram

Fans simply LOVED the post

Source: @mahirakhan/Instagram


And took this opportunity to express their love for the actress and how much they adored her reaction

Source: @mahirakhan/Instagram


Source: @mahirakhan/Instagram


Fans also gushed over Sheheryar’s hilarious reaction

Source: @mahirakhan/Instagram

Source: @mahirakhan/Instagram


And how feel-good the post was (we agree)!

Source: @mahirakhan/Instagram


Source: @mahirakhan/Instagram


A few were curious as to who the third friend was…

Source: @mahirakhan/Instagram


Source: @mahirakhan/Instagram


And then like always, there were a few who poured out their love in emojis

Source: @mahirakhan/Instagram


BFF goals or what guys?