We all know how swift the public sector is. You go to a government office for something at 9 am on a Monday morning and you get that done at 5pm on a Wednesday evening… probably, if you are lucky.

Well, this one artist in Islamabad has found a rather interesting way to make the government work faster. And he knows nothing makes our people act quicker than talking about the facts of all human existence i.e. sex and relationships.

It happened on Monday morning when travelers began noticing this

And once this guy, who is a graphics designer, tweeted about the mystery “artist” having displayed his artwork on the roads, the incident got attention from EVERYONE.


The “artistic work” got global attention

Soon, media from around the world began talking about this interesting turn of events.



View Storm


Evening Standard


And the artist became a global sensation.


People drew comparisons with someone in England

It was said that an artist in Surrey, England had done something similar in September when uneven roads in their town became bothersome for so many people.

After almost a month of the graffiti being on the Surrey road, it was removed by the government authorities in October.


Mostly, people of Islamabad were amused

And many were happy that this way, hopefully, the relevant authorities will be ashamed enough to do the required repair work.


Ashar Jamil, the person who tweeted pictures of the mystery “artist’s” work, when talking to Evening Standard about his reaction to this incident, said, “It was extremely funny for me. It was putting smile on everyone passing by that road. This guy seriously deserves a medal.”

And this person even claimed (in humor) that he was the artist:



Do you think this is an effective way to get things done?