*Must love thy neighbours*

India has once again threatened to stop the water supply of the three Eastern rivers Ravi, Sutlej and Beas to Pakistan.

Source: Meri News

India’s Union minister, Nitin Gadkari announced earlier that that water will not come until and unless Islamabad ‘does not stop supporting terrorist groups.’

According to the Indus Water Treaty signed in the ’60s, India has full access and liberty over the three eastern rivers, Ravi, Sutlej and Beas while Islamabad carries unrestricted access to the three western, Indus, Jhelum and Chenab. This threat was floated before in 2018 however ended up going nowhere.

The only logical connection we can see is India’s reaction to the blast in Lahore yesterday in front of Data Darbar.

Source: @Vicastomar Via Twitter

The Indian Government has been quite vocal about their opinions on Imran’s alleged connections to terrorist groups in the past and are again using this tactic to hold the Indus Water Treaty over our heads again.

However, following the death of 11 victims and the injuries of over 20, it was the reaction of certain individuals in India that makes this hard to believe.

Source: @isaifpatel Via Twitter

It can be said that India’s water high ground is being used as a pawn in our civil games and if that is the case, it’s disgusting.

Gadkari also added that the Treaty was signed out of friendship between the two countries but if that friendship does not stand anymore, neither does the treaty. Honestly, that is the dumbest thing I have ever heard. The treaty was put into place for the proper allocation of resources and a way to split the assets among both countries. The fact that the treaty is suddenly a noose around our necks is absurd especially for a cause that may affect us way more than it can affect them.

Nitin has gone as far as opening up a study into the matter and stated that the water will be stopped from flowing into Pakistan will be given to Punjab, Rajasthan and Haryana. All we can really do is hope that this threat does not lead us to another round of hit and miss games that occupied all of our lives at the beginning of this year.

Have you seen the news? What do you think? Let us know in the comments below.

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Cover photo source: Deccan Herald/Meri News