We all know Chaudhary Nisar as the previous Interior Minister of Pakistan and, as with most politicians, people had mixed feelings about him. Mr. Bean, on the other hand, was that iconic character from our childhood that made us laugh endlessly, played by Rowan Atkinson.

So imagine our surprise when people started comparing the two, and the more we observed pictures of the two, the more we kinda saw it too. I mean, it’s definitely there, if you look closely enough.



I mean, if we just put aside the minor differences like, you know, ethnicity, religion, and nationality, they do look alike enough to be siblings.

While it may be news to some, a lot of people have been making this connection over the years




However, some Mr. Bean fans were offended by the comparison





Do you think it’s fair to compare the two? Do they look alike to you? Are they long lost brothers? Let us know in the comments.


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Cover Image Via: Images.Dawn.com/ storyofpakistan.pk