‘Do Bol’ wrapped up its stellar 30-episode stint with the most fulfilling finale.

It’s always bittersweet when your favorite show comes to an end. You get the heebie-jeebies and begin to ponder life without the weekly dosage of characters you began to call home. ‘Do Bol’ had a fantastic, 3o-episode run on telly, raking in massive traction mostly for its garden-fresh pairing of Hira Mani and Affan Waheed

‘Do Bol’s’ finale was everything we hoped for – beautiful, fitting and satisfying.

We found closure with most of the drama’s characters, and most importantly we got to see Badar get the wee little punishment he deserved for attempting to ruin Gaiti’s life. While many serials fail to firmly tie up knots, ‘Do Bol’ did not let Badar get away with his mistakes; karma was served in a platter when his initial moves to denounce Gaiti in front of her family and then-love interest Sameer were revealed. After an attempted divorce by her family members, Gaiti admitted she accepted Badar’s apology and that she would never be able to leave him.

Gaiti had already fallen for Badar long before she found out the truth about what he did. And sometimes, life really does end up on your side – at least it did for Badar.

The realism projected from the show from the start was something that really kept it reeling in viewers. While we weren’t expecting Badar to get what he longed for, his hardships and mistakes shaped up his ultimate humanness – his road to redemption really did pay off (and he deserved it)! The transition of Badar’s personality from the beginning as someone very immature, foolish and selfish to this radiant, selfless butterfly is remarkable; he stood the test of time as he tried to win Gaiti the right way.


Gaiti and Badar celebrated their nikkah in the presence of family and friends with a beautiful ceremony.

It was a tender moment between the show’s two protagonists before the function.

The post-credits of the finale even gave us a lovely little surprise…


It was an emotional end for fans, especially those who truly fell for Badar (including us).

‘Do Bol’ taught fans a lot too about life, love, and loss.

The show will be missed.

Here’s Why Affan Waheed Needs To Be Your Next Crush 😍😍😍

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