Eid is almost here and well, if you haven’t done your shopping yet, you might just be in a bit of trouble. There are a few days left to get the outfit of your dreams, because stuff is going out of stock, like SUPER FAST. To that end, we’ve made this quiz to help your somewhat last minute shopping.
Answer these few questions and we’ll give you an outfit to wear for the festivities.
The links for whatever outfit you get will you available just under the quiz. Now, take the quiz honestly, because eid ke joray ka muamla hai!
Eid shopping has only gotten harder over the years. With so much choice and so many collections, people are finding it more difficult to pick out outfits. Here’s hoping this quiz helped you out in your endeavor to find the perfect Eik ka jora.
If you need more help, you can check out these guides we made.
Ladies, Here Are Some Of The Hottest Eid Looks You Can Buy For Under PKR 3500 Right Now
Ladies, This Vibrant Trend Is Exactly What You Need To Look Chic AF This Choti Eid
Cover Photo Courtesy: khaadi.com and sapphire.com.pk