Many individuals turn to smoking to cope with stress and the demands of daily life. However, the risks associated with smoking raise concerns about its long-term impact. For people like Hasan, the pressures of a high-stake job often led to smoking to manage work-related challenges.

Hasan had always dreamed of becoming a lawyer, dedicating years of his life to pursuing a career in law. But once he started practicing, the realities of the profession quickly became overwhelming. “The pressure to win cases, the anxiety before court hearings – it was too much. To handle that, I started smoking. It seemed like a simple solution at first, but over time, it became a problem for me.”

Like many smokers, Hasan soon began to experience the repercussions of his habit. “It wasn’t just the well-being issues,” he recalls, “but also how smoking affected my social and professional life. The smell of smoke lingered on my clothes, and people around me noticed it. It was not the image I wanted to project as a professional lawyer.”

Hasan knew he needed a change but wasn’t sure where and how to start. That is when he came across an article about Tobacco Harm Reduction (THR) in a newspaper. After consulting a UK based doctor, he discovered that THR products such as vapes, oral nicotine pouches and heated tobacco products (HTPs) significantly reduce the harm compared to smoking. “I was intrigued by the idea that HTPs do not burn the tobacco but heat it instead. It sounded like a way to satisfy my cravings without the risks associated with smoking.”

Hasan found the transition smoother than he expected. “What surprised me most was the elimination of secondhand smoke and ash. HTPs generate an aerosol vapor primarily composed of water, glycerin, and nicotine. It meant I wasn’t putting those around me at risk, and it was easier to control where and when I used it, thereby fulfilling my need for nicotine. Moreover, there was no ash residue since HTPs heat the tobacco instead of burning. It started to make me feel more comfortable in social settings, like I was not attracting unwanted attention.”


Despite the reduced harm of THR products, Hasan faced obstacles not commonly discussed – social stigma and misconceptions about THR products. “People often questioned if I was just replacing one habit with another. But for me, it wasn’t about quitting; it was about reducing the harm to my well-being.”

Hasan’s journey is a compelling example of how professionals in high-pressure jobs, like law, can manage their smoking habits through Tobacco Harm Reduction by making informed decisions for their well-being.