Mera Naseeb’ was an endearing story of two cousins, Shazia, and Nazia, who are raised by their mothers, and phupos. They have to navigate a complicated family history, strict parenting and also a tumultuous married life, but they do it all and come out the other side victorious.

Nazia is the innocent, more idealistic cousin, while Shazia is the feisty one of the two.

Nazia is one of the characters we see the most change in during the drama, and we grow to love her and her strength and ability to have such a huge heart.

Here are some ways you might actually just be exactly like Nazia:

1. You’re easily entertained. 

2. You choose to see the best in people.

Source: HUM TV


3. There are a few people you trust in life with your deepest secrets and thoughts. 

4. You’re the type of person to often live in your world. 

And there’s nothing wrong about that!

Source: HUM TV


5. You have a huge heart! 

6. In a group of friends, you’re most likely going to be the mom of the group. 

Source: HUM TV


7. You’re quick to forgive and move on. 

8. You believe in having your ‘happily ever after’.

Source: HUM TV


9. You have a strong sense of what is right and wrong.

10. It is always your mission to break up and resolve arguments.

11. When the situation arises, you will always be the first to say sorry. 

Even if it wasn’t your fault.

Source: HUM TV


Nazia didn’t have it easy in ‘Mera Naseeb’, she had to face a lot of struggle to reach her happy ending. In some ways, she changed massively, but in many ways, at the end of the show, she was still the same girl.

What was your favorite Nazia moment from ‘Mera Naseeb’? Let us know in the comments 🙂

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 Cover Photo Courtesy: HUM TV