Male friends banana azaab hai, right ladies?

Every girl in Pakistan knows that having male friends can be a bit challenging. Given our weird social upbringing, it’s pretty much standard. If you were in an all girls school, especially, having guy friends basically made you either a slut or the coolest girl in town.

And in regards to parents? LOL, a guy friend is basically the most dangerous thing in the world.

Source: Deenga

SO, since we all know the struggle all too well, here’s just a little something for you. Without further ado, here are all the annoying struggles of having guy friends as a girl in Pakistan.



1. Everyone automatically assumes that you both are dating each other because of course having male friends always means date hee kar rahay hon gae

Source: Miraqsm Media

No Saira Aunty, we are not engaged, we’re just friends. For the love.of.God.


2. Every auntie and uncle will peetofy that dhindhora if they see you with your male friends alone because haww haye

Source: IRK Films

At least three other girls should be there, ratio needs to be equal.


3. You will be interrogated by your parents literally every time you mention the name of your male friends in a conversation

‘Hassan?! A boy!? Since WHEN do you talk to boys!?!?!”

Source: Showcase Productions


4. You will only be “allowed” on a fixed number of approved activities you can do with your male friends

via Deenga

They all must be during the day, under their supervision and best case scenario, not at all.


5. Introducing them to your parents can be awk AF

via Deenga


6. You can be best friends with your male buddies but you can never invite them to your home like you do with your female ones

via Deenga

Which can also really suck.


7. To ease your parents into the idea that girls and boys can be just friends you have to save all your guy friends as code names in your phone

via Deenga

For example, Rameeza=Rameez. It’s a science.


8. If a male friend ever drops you home you have to hear a lecture about what the neighbors will say if they see you

via Deenga

You’re not okay with my guy friend dropping me home but you are fine with a random Careem driver dropping me to my home? COMEEEEEEEONNNNNNNNNN MAMA.


9. And of course, trying to explain all these situations to your guy friends is the worst

via Deenga

The worst.


10. You ALWAYS have to worry about aunties and uncles seeing you whenever you’re out in public with your male friends

via Deenga

Direct call to your Ammi being made as we write this.


11. When making plans, you HAVE to include the names of at least three other girls who will also be present so your parents aren’t pissed off at you

Source: Ali Rush / YouTube



12. All of a sudden when you’re at a marriageable age your parents will think every guy friend of yours is now a possible husband

Source: Oriental Films



13. But of course, they’re your jiggars and even though it can be hard to be friends with them sometimes there are moments only a guy friend can be there for you

Like Usman.

Source: Showcase productions

So there you have it, friends. All the shit we have to go through while having guy friends. If you didn’t know it, now you do. And fellas, next time you annoy your girl FRIENDS, just know that they go through plenty to be there for you so appreciate them.

What do you think of having guy friends in Pakistan? Do you go through any of these? Any others? Let us know what you think in the comments below! Love you.


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Cover photo source: @weekendmagazine2.0 / Instagram