Mahira Khan was in attendance at the prestigious ‘Masala Awards’ in Dubai, along with fellow actresses Mawra Hocane, Saba Qamar and Meera jee. The star-studded event brought together the best of B-town, from Arjun Rampal, Govinda, and Sridevi too, and while it was all glitz and glamour, it was an extra special night for Mahira.
Mahira looked absolutely breathtaking in an elegant pink gown with minimalistic jewelry
The actress expressed how excited she was for the show, and mentioned how she was anticipating Govinda’s show, but in particular her idol Sridevi
Mahira gushed on how she was dancing to Sridevi’s legendary song ‘Hawa Hawai’ from the Bollywood film ‘Mr. India.’
(Just for reference)
The actress was seated next to the legend too during the event
Sridevi’s timeless beauty is incredible, and the living legend looked mesmerizing in a snow white dress
Bollywood’s most famous designer, Manish Malhotra too was present at the awards show
Mahira and Mawra were both absolutely starstruck, I mean anyone would be in the presence of a woman we have all grown up with!
We hope to see both actresses acting sometime soon! What do you guys think of this potential collaboration?