Before anything else, I want you all to take a good, hard look at this picture.

Source: David Hartley

We all know this is Malala Yousafzai.

Some of us admire her for standing up to a force many of us fear. We look up to her for living through anyone’s worst nightmare, surviving and going on to become a symbol of hope. Some of us applaud her for being the absolute hero – nay, heroine – she is; empowered, brilliant and incredibly strong.


However, on the flip side, some people choose to take out all their anger on her. They direct all hatred and negativity that they can towards her. 

Source: David Hartley

Whether the news is about her heading to university…

…or her being welcomed onto Twitter…

…or even just chilling with a celebrity – people always seem to hop aboard the anti-Malala train.

That hatred that some of us hold in our hearts surfaces every now and then. This picture that surfaced recently on serves as an example of the same:

Source: / Facebook

Now, while there’s no confirmation on whether that’s actually Malala, people went in on the post with some absolutely shocking comments.

She was likened to Mia Khalifa by many people.

Via Facebook

Some people thought that since she’s wearing jeans, the scarf will come off too.

Don’t see the connection personally, but who can argue with the moral police.

Via Facebook

Some people dragged in other women pointlessly.

Via Facebook

While others continued to spin conspiracy theories.

Via Facebook

This vile comment was also passed.

Via Facebook

And people obviously dragged in the element of izzat.

Via Facebook

The comments were truly horrifying.

Via Facebook

The worst part is – these comments reflect a mindset that exists within our society. Where people love and support Malala, there are those who have the vilest things to say about this 20-year-old activist.

Fortunately, there were many who defended her as well.

Via Facebook

And even those who weren’t fans chose to side with her on this issue.

Via Facebook

In fact, some people pointed out how vilifying her like this is ‘baseless criticism.’

Via Facebook

And some people actually tried to reason with the moral police.

Via Facebook

It’s extremely unfortunate to see how someone lauded as a hero abroad is ridiculed over the smallest things in our country. May we learn to see the positivity in things and hopefully realize that we are not the judge and jury on any matter whatsoever.

Please share your thoughts with us in the comments.