15 year old Rayouf Alhumedhi proposed to The Unicode Consortium (The Ministry of Emoji Affairs) that a hijab emoji i.e. an emoji wearing a headscarf should be featured. The headscarf wearing population of the world doesn’t just include Muslims, and all these people need to be represented. One way of doing that is via emoji.

“The addition of the hijab emoji will prove to be a step forward in tolerance and diversity,” Alhumedhi wrote. “It is distinctive and holds a lot of spiritual meaning to millions of women across the globe, recognizing its importance will ultimately showcase great appreciation from the Muslim community.”

We here in Pakistan will definitely have a lot of uses for this amazing emoji. Here are a few reasons why we think this is a perfect idea:

To shoo away online tharakis

Random Number: Hello DeArXx, U wanna fraandship wid me?

You: *insert headscarf emoji*

This emoji will basically equate itself to ‘mein aik izatdarana khandan se hou, plis don’t disturb’

For Gossip

Friend 1: Hayee Allah have you seen Ayesha recently?

Friend 2: No, why?

Friend 1: *insert hair open emoji, then an arrow followed by headscarf emoji*

Friend 2: KYAAAAA

For rishta hunters

Rishta Aunty: Larki achi hai. Tall hai aur BA pass bhi. Aur haan, *headscarf emoji*

It will be used to keep the hijabi brigade in check

Beti: Papa mein college jaa rahi hoon

Papa: Okay beta, have a good day.

Beti: Thanks

Papa: *headscarf emoji*?

Beti: Yes Papa, Pehna hua hai.

Honestly, women of all shapes, sizes, beliefs, colors and religions will be represented

And that’s always a good thing. More diversity, more acceptance, more tolerance. That’s what the dream is. Even the original proposer of the idea, the 15 year old Alhumedhi thinks that people need to actually understand what others experience in order to be able to accept the way they live.

“Might seem baffling, but when I wear the headscarf I actually feel liberated because I’m in control of what I want to cover,” she said. “The headscarf allows for people to see past a women’s beauty and see her for her knowledge. Now I know, that some women are forced to wear it, but that is micro in comparison to those who see the beauty in it.”

Let’s all see the beauty, and not the faults, in each other, shall we?