Tomorrow marks the official release of Shoaib Mansoor’s upcoming film ‘Verna’ that has been the center of a wave of controversy after the Central Board of Film Certification, Islamabad declared it as banned. The film, starring Mahira Khan as the lead protagonist who is raped and unjustly treated and thus seeks vengeance, has been deemed unfit for the Pakistani audience. The film still awaits review under the full board, however after the film’s premiere was canceled in Lahore, nothing looked too bright for the future of the film.
An official statement was given to MangoBaaz, stating that the film is still undergoing review and will not be premiered
The full board panel of the Pakistan Board of Film Certification will be reviewing the film tomorrow, after which they will provide their final decision as to whether or not the film is banned.
The film will be released internationally in due time, however not in Punjab
A source has told MangoBaaz that the film was banned yesterday and is pending review
In an official statement by ‘Hum Films’ ” filmmaker Shoaib Mansoor has gone into appeal with censor board today for urgent relief for his film ‘Verna.’ The film will hopefully be reviewed by full board today and we are hoping that the full board will prevail.
What are your thoughts on the film being banned?
Cover Photo Via Shoman Productions