Over the past few years, Turkish dramas have won over the hearts and minds of Pakistani audiences. Well now we’ve found another show you all can watch, and uh, it’s pretty amazing. It’s called ‘Resurrection: Ertugrul’.

Source: Tekden Films

‘Resurrection: Ertugrul’ will win you over; it’s sort of like Game of Thrones, just a lot less *ahem ahem* and a far more ‘rooted in reality’ storyline.

The show has kingdoms, empires, conquest and some might fine looking actors! (The parallels are pretty obvious)

Source: Tekden Films

‘Resurrection: Ertugrul’ is a show that takes inspiration from real historical events. It begins in the year 1225 and focuses on the Kayi tribe. The tribe is headed by Suleyman Shah; he has two sons, Gondongdu and Ertugrul (yup, the show revolves around him).

Source: Tekden Films

The story also focuses on the Knights Templar. Quick history lesson; they were a Christian armed organization whose main aim was to spread Christianity through what is known as ‘The Crusades’. The show follows their plans to make large Turk tribes fight among them, letting the Crusaders come in and take control over the land.

Source: Tekden Films

The show has some truly mesmerizing sets; the attention to detail is fantastic. They’ve created such convincing worlds, much like Game of Thrones. One major difference is that the theme of spirituality is pretty obvious in the show. Islam and Islamic symbolism are pervasive and it makes it more relatable in a sense, especially considering the power struggles that background the show. There is the much larger Islam and Christianity war going on, however, the show has pockets of internal power struggles sprinkled all across it.

Source: Tekden Films

I’ve only just started watching the show, and woah, I am hooked. Everything from the aesthetic value of the program to the actual storyline, it’s all captivating.

Source: Tekden Films

It reels you in because you never know what’s going to happen next. The webs of power that the show display are terribly entangled and each action leads to an even worse reaction, therefore, the chain of events keeps going.

The show itself has gone on for about 4 seasons, and is possibly coming back for a 5th! The show is available to watch on Netflix and on Youtube too. So, get watching!

If you already watch the show or are planning to soon, let us know in the comments 🙂

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