‘The Ted Bundy Tapes’ is a documentary series that recently released on Netflix. The show tells the story of Ted Bundy, an American serial killer in the 1970s, who was convicted of killing about 36 women. The show features tapes of Ted Bundy speaking about his crimes after he was convicted and sentenced to death.
Ted Bundy’s recording comes in pretty heavily throughout the show, intertwined with accounts from people who knew him, and the people who worked his case.
Now, before you go to watch the show, there are some tweets you NEED to read about it- because you need to be prepared.
1. Netflix’s own tweet about the show.
Don't watch "Conversations with a Killer: The Ted Bundy Tapes" alone. Trust me on this one.
— Netflix (@netflix) January 25, 2019
Yes, the international streaming giant put out a tweet telling people NOT to watch this show alone.
2. However, there were some people who did not heed the warning, and they felt nothing.
Too late. But I slept well last night, so does that mean I'm a soulless person?
— Stacey Grant (@Stacey_Grant91) January 25, 2019
3. If you’ve watched ‘You’, you better be prepared for this.
4. Also, you should know that Ted Bundy was a charmer and he used this to lure his victims.
5. And this charm is still working, btw.
I don't understand how people in the Tom Bundy tapes documentary keeps saying he's handsome and attractive. 🤨
— Jasmin (@CCroft21) January 26, 2019
6. But there is still hope that it won’t work on you.
ted bundy looked really fucking bad for a guy in his 20s. murdering people will give you wrinkles.
— STEVIE NIX 👻 (@luxerubbish) January 29, 2019
7. There is the off chance that you will be freaked out.
*watches Ted Bundy Tapes once* pic.twitter.com/gkltmVjMM3
— iz (@dudickk) January 29, 2019
8. There is a pretty simple lesson you need to learn from the show.
What I’ve learned from the @netflix Ted Bundy Tapes is that Ted Bundy was a creepy MF with a UNIBROW who committed horrendous crimes and that’s all anyone needs to know
— susan (@susiestevenss) January 29, 2019
9. I and these tweets cannot emphasize this enough- this show will F R E A K you out.
i keep forgetting my sis has a cat. im watching the ted bundy documentary, and the damn thing keeps knocking random items over.
— Aubs ✨ (@aubrey_rennick) January 29, 2019
10. Ted Bundy’s diet regime has felt some people impressed.
Ted bundy lost all that weight just to escape, I need that determination 🥴
— mariiii (@Mvrisol) January 29, 2019
11. Actually, a bit more than just impressed.
You’re telling me Ted bundy lost 25lbs when he escaped and lived in the mountains for the week… guess who is heading for the hillls 👋🏼✌🏼
— M🕸 (@_morgy_s) January 27, 2019
12. Because of how familiar the man looked, a lot of people are now just scared by the men in their lives.
13. This show will leave you with a lot to think about.
Oh, the last line in the Ted Bundy doc is about how killers are all around us and I decided to finish it right before I go to bed? COOL COOL COOL.
— V. (@partytymz) January 29, 2019
14. Please make a proper value judgment before you decide to watch the show.
Made the mistake of watching that Ted Bundy series on Netflix and now I’m creeped out. Idk why I did this to myself 😕😢
— Andrea (@ItsDrizzleBaby) January 29, 2019
15. Your sleep could be compromised.
After watching the Ted Bundy Tapes, I went to sleep with ALL the lights on.
— HelloItMeArSlAn (@ArslanArsuArsi) January 29, 2019
So, are you still going to watch the show?
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Cover Photo Courtesy: parcast.com and allthatsinteresting.com