Anushka Sharma is in hot waters. The actress has been very supportive of her husband’s stint in the Indian cricket team, always present at his matches be it on home turf or abroad – the two were recently in the U.K. together for a break, spending time with other members of the cricket team. However, the actress has landed herself in the kernel of controversy after a recent photo has gone viral. She is seen standing with the Indian cricket team for the official photo at The High Commission Of India in London, along with hubby Virat Kohli – and it’s got people really pissed.
The official Twitter account of Team India posted a picture of the team standing together for a photo, with Anushka at the front along with Virat
The photo has gone viral, but unfortunately not for the right reasons. Indians and Pakistanis have condemned the picture, stating that the Bollywood actress should not have been present.
#TeamIndia members at the High Commission of India in London.
— BCCI (@BCCI) August 7, 2018
Indians commented on the tweet, criticising such a frivolous decision
No Hard feelings but I heard recently BCCI denied players from having their wives around when on tour in England. WTH is Anushka doing among Indian team?? Rules are meant for Team and captain should lead from front in every aspect. Just saying
— Akash (@ambade_akash) August 7, 2018
While some shrugged it off as a joke, not taking it to heart.
Great to see Anushka Sharma in Team India squad. Is she playing the next test match against England? 😂 #JustAsking
— Krishna (@Atheist_Krishna) August 8, 2018
Polls ran waves on Twitter, with various Indian publications asking users how they felt about Anushka standing with the cricket team during such a prestigious moment.
Do you think #AnushkaSharma standing with Team India at London High Commission is justified?
— Pinkvilla (@pinkvilla) August 8, 2018
Others were upset that the vice-captain of the team was standing in the last row for the photo, while Anushka was at the front
As someone mentioned earlier the vice captain of the Indian cricket team is standing in last row, whereas the captain's wife is in front row. This just looks unprofessional by everyone.
— Bharath Aiyanna (@bharathaiyanna) August 7, 2018
Why is Anushka here lmao?
She is at the center while the vice captain is at the end lol whatta joke— Od (@odshek) August 8, 2018
anushka sharma is also there in the squad so probably she will be included in the playing 11 too for the next match
— Mayank Sharma (@MSharma56483635) August 7, 2018
didn't know that Anushka Sharma is vice captain of our cricket team.
— The Frustrated Indian (@FrustIndian) August 8, 2018
Many did not appreciate the tweet for hashtagging Anushka Sharma
Is captain wife more important than vice captain? Where are other players wife's? Don't divide team for the sake of captain or Bollywood please
— Sanjay Tank (@SanjayTank_) August 8, 2018
What do you think? Should the actress have stood with the cricket team?