The surgical strike that has caused many tempers to flare across the Wagah border has seen a lot of attention on social media. Die hard nationalists on both sides have spent countless, otherwise productive, hours coming up with quips, status updates, comments and tweets to one up each other.

These jokes about the alleged surgical strike will make you weep for the future of social media, and for your sanity:

1. Like this Sallu bhai inspiration

2. Or this Romeo whose raat kee neend has suffered from a surgical strike

3. This one makes no sense

4. And this one sounds like some weird doctor fetish

5. Now that’s a surgical strike on PM Sharif’s cheek

6. And then things just got reeally bizarre

7. Uhhh…

8. *scratches head*

9. *looks for a wall to bang head against*

10. Can someone please just send some rat poison?

11. Whoaaa… is it just me or does this one just sounds really dirty to you?

12. Becharay DiCaprio ko toh chorh do

13. Poor Nusrat sahab’s rooh must be in so much pain at this

Amidst all the craziness of the Twitter trend and people showcasing the depths of their sense of humor, this is all we could think of: