Sonam Kapoor’s mehndi took place last night, and while we were honestly expecting an incredibly grand function, we were humbled to see how low-key it was, with close family and friends present to celebrate the actress’s wedding. The Bollywood star and longterm beau Anand Ahuja finally began their shaadi festivities, and the very first one was far from a disappointment!


Dhula Anand arrived at the venue as he was swarmed by paparazzi

Source: @tribunedit/Instagram


With traditional musical drums dropping major beats in full desi fashion!


Anand chose to wear a pale pink sherwani, looking handsome as ever with a big beaming smile on his face


While Anand was arriving, the dhulan’s side was prepping with having mehndi applied, here seen Sridevi’s daughter Khushi and Sanjay Kapoor’s daughter Shanaya,

Source: @tribunedit/Instagram


Sonam’s sister Rhea,

Source: @filmfare/Instagram

…Oh and of course the bride herself, Sonam who was tattooed by famous Bollywood mehndi artist Veena Nagda


…Who is Bollywood’s most famous and renowned mehndi artist

Source: @viralbhayani/Instagram


Dances were freestyle, with the dhula enjoying herself delightfully as she whipped out her moves amidst her cozy family and friends


And this was just so adorable, as both the bride and groom went in for a quick hug


Parents Anil and Sunita Kapoor looked beyond the moon, as they also celebrated their daughter’s big night


And what’s a party without a boomerang or two?


Karan Johar was present too along with Sonam’s famalam for the mehndi, and everyone looked stunning

Source: @karanjohar/Instagram


As was Rani Mukherjee!

Source: @karanjohar/Instagram


Sonam’s besties, designers Pernia and Masaba were also in attendance

Source: @realbollywoodhungama/Instagram


The Kapoor gals looked gorgeous as they all posed for a picture amidst all the wondrous hullabaloo

Source: @filmfare/Instagram


And that’s it, folks!

Source: @filmfare/Instagram


Here’s the happy bride in her PJs after the fabulous function!

Source: @pinkvilla/Instagram


We can’t wait for all the rest of the upcoming festivities!


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