Anxiety is like the mess you shove under your bed. I mean, you can escape it for a while but you will eventually have to deal with it. The problem with mental health is, it might be visible and it might not be. However, for everything, there are signs. Signs you wish you could give meaning to way before your mental health became worse. Although it’s never too late, it’s still better to know beforehand, just so it’s not as painful when it builds up and bursts.
Now that I know what anxiety is, I can trace back and observe my behavior in the past and most of it was holding flags for anxiety. Here’s a list of signs that I wish I didn’t ignore, and after reading them, I hope you don’t as well. Moreover, I hope you seek the help you need and convince yourself to go down the road of self-healing.
1. Easily irritated and stressed.
That’s an obvious one, isn’t it? Anxiety will always make you feel nervous or irritated. Whether it’s the onset of exams, the unavoidable situation of being somewhere with a lot of people around, relationships or even if it’s just a simple task for the day, it could potentially wreck your nerves.
2. Not wanting to socialise.
Anxiety has a terrible way of making you disconnect with the outside world. They say that in order to get rid of it, you must fight the urge of staying in by going out and meeting people. But when that needle-like feeling gets to you, it’s the hardest to get out there and socialise.
3. Constantly doubting yourself.
You might have come up with an awesome script, or a beautiful painting, or I don’t know, something SO awesome that if you put it out there, you’ll be famous. But then anxiety would knock in and be like nope, it’s no good at all.
4. Criticizing your body frame or your looks.
A lot of that might come from how you have been made to feel about your body. Eventually, you find yourself canceling plans in a pool of tears because you think nothing looks good on you. Trust me, that’s just the anxiety talking.
5. Difficulty in having intimate relationships
This is super common if you have a history of heartbreak, broken trust or any kind of abuse. Anxiety makes you think that a new person you meet will end up treating you the same way. This makes it super difficult to make that bond again.
6. Trouble sleeping.
Yes, you’re either overthinking and causing yourself some sleepless nights, or you’re fully drained and sleep too much.
7. You forget things too often.
All the chemical reactions causing you to overthink all the time affect your memory too. I mean, I would forget which floor I live on, and try putting my keys into a different door!
8. Unhealthy eating habits.
Yes, you’re either eating too much and lots of junk, or you can’t get a bite down at all and cause yourself some stomach ulcers. Irregular eating patterns come with anxiety which might not be too evident. You might think that you “just don’t like food”, but it could be anxiety making eating difficult for you.
9. Irregular menstrual cycle.
Anxiety and stress just ruin everything, don’t they? But yeah, you’ll notice Aunt Flo arriving way too early or way too late.
10. Constantly thinking you’re unloved.
Anxiety makes you think that you aren’t good enough and that if you weren’t there, no one would miss you. Just know that that isn’t true at all.
11. Thoughts about harming yourself.
Anxiety could make you think that the world doesn’t need you. However, if you are suffering from self-harming thoughts, please go ahead and seek professional help without the fear of being judged.
I wish I’d known about these signs, but I’m glad I can help you guys out. If you notice any of these signs, don’t be afraid to seek help.
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