Most of us are our own worst critics, whether it be in terms of your body, actions, or work – you tend to over criticize yourself and speak to yourself in a way that you would never talk to friends or family.


Loving yourself takes practice and strong willpower.

It’s the willingness to pick yourself back up when life throws you under the bus. Even when you’re sad and hurt, you must lift yourself up as if you truly are your own best friend and always remember how strong you are.

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Talk To Yourself

It’s important to share positive thoughts with yourself. Look in the mirror and compliment yourself. BUT you can’t just say things, you must mean the positive things you say. Applaud yourself for small accomplishments. Talk to yourself about why things didn’t go the way you hoped. Write yourself a letter.

Treat Yourself


Every now and then its very important to treat yourself. Take yourself on a date. Buy yourself something you’ve been eyeing at the mall. Eat a cheeseburger. Fulfill your heart’s desires but when doing so, remember these things will only give you temporary happiness.

Be Kind To Yourself

You must learn to be nice to yourself. Use words of respect, kindness, and admiration. Speak to yourself like you would speak to your oldest friend – always uplifting and encouraging. Self-love is having the courage to feel all your feelings – even the ugly ones – without judging them. Hold yourself when you are feeling sad, depressed, or angry with respect and love.

Cut Toxic People Off


This is one of the main reasons you may be feeling unhappy – toxic people dust your life with poison. You must learn to evaluate what each person in your life brings you. If these people make you sad, are manipulative, judgmental, unapologetic, or are constantly making you prove yourself to them- you MUST let them go, no matter how hard it may be.

Give Up Bad Habits – Tough love

Learn how to give up bad habits. Put constraints on yourself. Fine yourself for every offense and try to understand what triggers your bad habits. Do whatever is necessary and what works for you – rehab, therapy, self-coaching, etc. You must want this change for yourself and for your overall health – not for someone else’s content.

Set Realistic Goals Gor Yourself

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Set goals for yourself that you can actually achieve. Write down a list of things you want to achieve for the week, month, or year and slowly work towards these goals.

Go On Adventures Alone

Spend quality time alone with yourself. Plan a small vacation somewhere you’ve always wanted to go, buy a ticket and enjoy yourself. Go spend the day at a historical site. You must learn to be comfortable alone – because there will be times in life where you will only have yourself.

Feed Your Soul

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Hold a newborn baby, snuggle with a puppy, spend time with your aging parents/grandparents, or hike up to the top of a mountain. Materialistic things will only make you want more and more – today you bought the shoes, tomorrow you’ll want the dress, and then you’ll want the matching purse. These desires will never be completely fulfilled and will never give you long-term fulfillment. Do things that enlighten your soul, because your soul can be satisfied.

Love Yourself

In the past couple of years, social media has given both men and women unrealistic beauty standards. This has resulted in an increase in low self-esteem – especially in teenagers. Poor body image leads to poor mental health – which is why self-love and confidence are so important. The key to loving yourself is to give yourself that which uplifts you, not just for the moment, but long term. Love is something that you have to choose, the same way that you choose anger, hate, or sadness. You must choose to forgive those who have hurt you and finally begin to heal. Choose to be grateful for what you have and never forget that you always have a choice to choose love in this short little life we have.

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Life is precious and you deserve happiness, so keep trying.


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