Recently the rumor mill was ablaze with news that Saif Ali Khan and his daughter Sara would be starring together in an upcoming film. Allegedly, Saif Ali Khan was all set to star in the sequel to his 2009 hit film, ‘Love Aaj Kal 2′ along with Sara in what was “an important role” (and not just a cameo).
Imtiaz Ali had roped in Saif’s daughter, Sara Ali Khan and newcomer Kartik Aaryan for the sequel to the 2009 film – and various Indian publications had confirmed that Saif was also all set to star along with Sara.
Sara was asked recently about working with both her parents in an interview for Indian YouTube channel ‘Famously Filmfare,’ to which she said she implied that she would never work with her mother.
Sara, who is already two films down with ‘Kedarnath’ and ‘Simmba,’ said that she doesn’t think that Amrita Singh would work with her; “I think she will be looking at me in a shot and be like eyebrows, dab…because she is mom…so I think it’ll be the worst thing for her to work with me and probably the best thing for me to work with her…so she won’t do it.”
When asked about whether or not she’d ever work with Saif, she said she was more keen to the idea but insisting that because “he’s my father, I don’t think that it’s something we can keep doing.”
A few days later, news spread of Saif Ali Khan being roped in to play a key role in Sara’s next venture with actor Kartik Aaryan – Imtiaz Ali’s sequel to his 2009 film ‘Love Aaj Kal.’ Indian publication ‘DNA’ had confirmed the news too, however Saif Ali Khan came forward to debunk the rumors.
Saif Ali Khan spoke to ‘Bollywood Hungama’ and stated clearly that he was not a part of the sequel, nor was he working with his daughter in an upcoming project.
The ‘Sacred Games’ actor said his addition to the cast of ‘Love Aaj Kal 2′ was “not true at all.” There were also reports that the father-daughter duo was going to star together in another film, ‘Jawani Janeman’ but that was also just a rumor. The actress said that while she’d “love to do a film with [her] Abba,” she wanted “the film and [her] characters must justify [their] presence.” She insisted she didn’t want to do a “film for doing’s sake.”
What do you think about Saif and Sara starring together? Do you want to see them in a film?