Asim Azhar and Sadaf Kanwal’s single social media post is wreaking havoc among their shippers on the internet. T’was a humid, monsoon night and two of our most popular celebs were partying away at Mehreen Syed’s birthday party, according to our sources.
Supermodel and “Kaif O Suroor”-famed Sadaf Kanwal makes our heart skip a beat with her GORGEOUS looks and infectious smile that’s enough to light up anyone’s day
Singer and alleged heart throb, Asim Azhar, whose melodious voice and irresistible charm makes the ladies feel all giddy and crazy in love
The two are not just celebrities but they’re also friendly with each other and pose for photos together
But hua khuch iss tarah, ke Asim Azhar and Sadaf Kanwal decided to take a picture which Sadaf later posted on her Instagram page
Sub theek tha, until Sadaf decided to caption the picture as:
“Mera piyra bhai 👫♥️ – @asimazhar”
In other words… Asim Azhar was brutally Bhai-zoned by Sadaf Kanwal
And naturally, the internet had zero chill about it
Others were focusing on things other than this tragic situation, perhaps to distract from the tragedy that the rest of internet was feeling?
Asim had tried in the past, but guess Sadaf just made it all very clear what she thinks. Is it Sad AF?
Do you think Asim Azhar needs some tissue boxes after this brutal Bhai zone fiasco? Let us know in the comments below.
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