Priyanka Chopra really is living out her dream these days. The actress has long left Bollywood behind her and is now climbing up the Hollywood ladder, already considered an A-lister star, what with her toplining television show ‘Quantico’ and has already signed up to many movies with Hollywood’s finest. The actress also just seized crown as Sexiest Asian Woman 2017 too. She’s formed a close bond with actress Meghan Markle, and couldn’t be more thrilled when the royal engagement was announced.


Priyanka’s BFF Meghan Markle recently announced her engagement to Prince Harry, breaking the internet that the actress was marrying into British royalty


Priyanka took to Instagram to express her delight over such wonderful news

The actress said “Congratulations to my girl [Meghan} and Prince Harry!! I’m so happy for you Meg! You deserve the best always..keep smiling that infectious smile.”


The two are very close friends and hang out almost all the time!


And often get down to some much-needed girl time


Rumors are flooding in that Priyanka might be Meghan’s Maid of Honour when the royal wedding comes…

Other names in the basket include tennis player Serena Williams and British socialite Millie Mackintosh.

Source: Kripke Enterprises


The two met in Toronto and hit it off as BFFs. We’re honestly so excited, we hope this rumor turns out true! What do you guys think?