If you live on the internet Johnny & Jugnu, a Lahore based restaurant’s recent run in with the law is known to you. And this keeray maarney wali company just tried to shade them.


So, Lahore based fast food takeaway restaurant Johnny & Jugnu recently had a case against them because a lizard was allegedly found in one of their burgers


The restaurant was opened once again after clearance from the relevant authorities later that day.


This keeray maarney wali company just made a joke about that incident to sell their products

PesTerminator is a pest control company in Lahore. They deal with a lot of pests and get rid of them for you. And one of the pest they deal with is lizards. Yep. So obviously, they felt like they could have ‘helped’ Johnny and Jugnu avoid their ‘lizard burger’ controversy and they decided to throw some shade at the popular Lahore burger chain with a badly made graphic posted to their Facebook page.

Source: PesTerminator via Facebook.com


And people reminded them that it was a cheap shot they took.

Source: PesTerminator via Facebook.com
Source: PesTerminator via Facebook.com
Source: PesTerminator via Facebook.com


The company, however, did not back off and defended their post.

Source: PesTerminator via Facebook.com


Other people pointed at how the company was very late in using the joke.

Source: PesTerminator via Facebook.com
Source: PesTerminator via Facebook.com
Source: PesTerminator via Facebook.com


But the pest company put up another post to show everyone that the criticism did not affect their ego at all.

Source: PesTerminator via Facebook.com

The Johnny and Jugnu situation is still pretty unclear. There are rumors about the whole incident that the restaurant owner is out out on bail after being arrested for the incident and that the case was pending in court.

Whatever the case, this is some seriously shady marketing. The company maybe should have thought about accepting that it was in bad taste instead of vehemently defending their choice.

What do you think about this shade at Johnny and Jugnu? Let us know in the comments


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Cover Image Source: PesTerminator via Facebook.com