Warner Brothers just relased the second trailer for the upcoming Suicide Squad, which is set to hit cinemas in August (hopefully it’ll release in Pakistan at the same time).
If you already know the background of Suicide Squad, scroll on down. For those of you that aren’t familiar, the Suicide Squad is a strike team of deathrow supervillains assembled to take on high risk missions (that have a high probability of getting them killed). The so-called supervillains willingly join the task force assembled by Amanda Waller, a rutheless high-ranking government official, in exchange for reduced prison sentences.
Source: EW
Okay, so now moving on. Here are a few things that stood out from the new trailer.
We see a lot more of the joker
Source: WB / Youtube
It was never going to be easy taking on the role of the Joker after Heath Ledger. From the trailer though, it’s evident that Jared Leto’s made the role his own which so far looks very sadistic (and I mean that in a good way).
Margot Robbie was born to play Harley Quinn
Source: WB / Youtube
Hot Damn.
Throughout the trailer, you see quite a bit of Harley Quinn which implicates her importance to the central plot of the movie. You have to give Margot Robbie a lot of credit here because it’s not often the case where you want to see more of a demented character.
Batman Makes an appearance
Hey Bruce (Ben Affleck?).
Source: WB / Youtube
But wait, what’s this???
After not so pleasant response from critics for Batman v Superman, DC needs a blockbuster success to get some redemption. Moreover, with the Justice League movie on the horizon, they need to build up a significant amount of momentum if they want to even get close to the Avengers’ success.
Here’s the full Suice Squad trailer.
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